How would you answer the following question: “If you could be anyone, who would you be and why?”
The Springboard Academy’s Terence Knott-Craig has a very simple answer to that question.
“To be the best me I can be,” he says.
“God created each and every one of us perfectly and uniquely, with a purpose for which he has already equipped us.”
Of the more than seven billion people living on the earth, there is no one who can be a better you than, well, you.

You need to determine what your purpose is, develop the skills you have already been blessed with, and glorify God in the way you go about fulfilling that purpose.
“God created each of us by His perfect design. He made no mistakes. He wants us to experience peace and joy as we live out our purpose,” Terence explains.
By knowing your purpose; which could be something you love doing, something you are good at, or perhaps a combination of the two, you will be better equipped to assess the needs in your community.
And by using your gifts and talents, you can address and satisfy those needs in the market. In turn, this could form the foundation for an entrepreneurial initiative or possibly a small business.

Develop your skills, employ others to do the tasks you cannot do, and show the world that every person can make a difference.

As a wise person once said, “Don’t be afraid of being different; be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”
The Springboard Academy’s upcoming course will help you discover your purpose, and expose you to entrepreneurial thinking and valuable business skills.
**When you register, you will receive a scientific analysis of your personality, interests, skills and values.