The quick answer: many people say that there are no jobs out there, and it often seems like the government isn't doing much to help. The reality is that while the government can’t create jobs directly, it plays a crucial role in developing the infrastructure that enables the private sector to create job opportunities.
The Good News is: There are plenty of jobs available, and YOU can take steps to enhance your chances of landing one. However, it requires effort on your part.
Here are some key considerations when looking for a job:

1. Know yourself.
Assess your skills, interests, and dislikes. Understanding what you bring to the table is essential.
2. Understand the Job Market.
Conduct thorough research on job availability, the number of applicants, and the skill requirements across various roles. This will give you a clearer picture of where you stand.

3. Stay informed about industry trends and the risks it faces.
Evaluate your skills in relation to potential job opportunities. Research the current trends and challenges in your desired industry. Understanding these factors can help you:
- Assess the stability of job offers.
- Identify necessary skills to upskill and remain competitive and ahead of other job- hunters.

4. Understand the Dynamics of “Value” in Employment.
- Recognize that employers seek specific skills and attributes that enhance their business.
- Lower-level jobs may attract many applicants, making competition fierce, while specialized roles often have fewer candidates.
Knowing where you can add value is vital for shaping your job search strategy.
Remember that while you don’t have employment, your job is to find a job, and you should be spending 8 hours a day in the pursuit of this job.

Here are some strategies to Enhance Your
Employment Chances:
1. Research the Job Market
2. Upgrade Your Skills
3. Network Effectively
4. Tailor Your Applications
5. Prepare for Interviews
6. Be Open to Different Opportunities
7. Follow Up on any applications
In upcoming blogs, we will delve deeper into these strategies.
For immediate assistance or more information, feel free to reach out to me at terence@springboard.org.za with the subject line “Improved Employment Chances.”